Exploring US Government Spending Trends: A Comprehensive Analysis

Exploring US Government Spending Trends: A Comprehensive Analysis

FireFly 21 Jun 2023

Understanding the spending trends of the US government is crucial for both citizens and policymakers. This blog intends to shed light on funding distribution and its effects on various economic sectors. We may learn a lot about how government spending affects our lives and the country as a whole by looking at historical statistics and current objectives.


Overview of US Government Spending


  • US Federal Budget

The US federal budget is a financial plan outlining the government's anticipated revenues and planned spending for a specific fiscal year. It is a crucial instrument for the federal government's resource allocation and priority-setting. The President normally proposes the budget, which requires congressional approval.


  • Major Categories of Government Spending

It is significant to remember that depending on legislative choices, economic situations, and policy agendas, the proportions of the stated spending categories might change from year to year. The government's financial responsibilities and goals are reflected in the comprehensive federal budget.

  • Mandatory Spending: This category includes government expenditures that are authorized by laws and do not require annual approval from Congress. The spending levels for mandatory programs are typically determined by eligibility criteria and benefit formulas outlined in the legislation. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and different income assistance programs are a few examples of required expenditures. Because qualified participants have a constitutional right to the benefits, these programs are sometimes referred to as entitlement programs.

  • Discretionary Spending: Discretionary spending refers to the portion of the federal budget that is determined through the annual appropriations process. It covers the support of government organizations, the military, and programs in education, transportation, research, and other things. The amount of discretionary expenditure is dependent on Congress's decision and is subject to change on an annual basis. This category provides flexibility for policymakers to allocate funds based on changing priorities and needs.

  • Supplemental Spending: Supplemental spending, also known as emergency or supplemental appropriations, refers to funds allocated for unforeseen emergencies that arise during the fiscal year. These expenditures are in addition to the regular budget allocations. Supplemental spending is often used to respond to natural disasters, military conflicts, or other urgent needs that require immediate funding.

  • Interest on The National Debt: The US government borrows money by issuing Treasury securities, such as Treasury bonds, notes, and bills, to finance budget deficits. The interest on this accumulated debt represents a significant category of government spending. The holders of these securities, which include domestic and international investors including government trust funds like Social Security and Medicare, need to receive interest payments from the government. The level of interest payments is influenced by the size of the debt and prevailing interest rates.


Historical Trends in US Government Spending from 1930 to 2026Source: The American Presidency Project


Over the past decade, US government spending has followed certain patterns influenced by various factors. It is crucial to remember that the research only offers a broad perspective and cannot account for every distinct trend or occurrence.

  • Economic Conditions: Economic conditions play a significant role in shaping government spending. The government raised spending in the years observing the 2008 financial crisis to encourage economic growth and reduce the consequences of the recession. Spending growth slowed as the economy slowly recovered, although it remained high in comparison to levels before the crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 led to a substantial increase in government spending due to emergency relief measures and support for individuals, businesses, and healthcare systems.

  • Policy Changes and Legislation: Changes in policies and legislation have a direct impact on government spending. For example, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), endorsed in 2010, expanded government spending on healthcare through Medicaid expansion and the facility of subsidies for insurance coverage. The Bipartisan Budget Acts of 2013 and 2015 temporarily reduced the growth of discretionary spending. Changes in tax policies including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, also affect government revenues and indirectly influence spending.

  • Demographic Shifts: Demographic changes, such as an aging population, impact spending patterns. The amount spent on required programs like Social Security and Medicare has expanded as the baby boomer generation approaches retirement age. Government funding in these sectors has come under strain as a result of expanded healthcare expenses and a rise in the number of older citizens.

  • National Security Concerns: National security concerns, including military operations and defense expenditures, have been another influential factor in government spending. The US has preserved a significant defense budget, allocating resources for military personnel, equipment, research and development, and overseas operations. Increased military spending has often occurred during periods of international conflicts or threats to national security.


Current State of US Government Spending

Including funds given to states, the federal government spent more than $6 trillion in fiscal year 2022. Medicare, Social Security, defense and veterans, transfers to states, and aid such as SNAP and refundable tax credits were the biggest categories, accounting for 75% of spending. Federal spending decreased 12.4% in fiscal year 2022 after remaining relatively flat in fiscal year 2021. This drop was mostly due to reduced COVID-19 recovery spending for businesses and individuals. Federal spending remained 28.0% above that of the fiscal year 2019. General overview of the priorities that have been prominent in recent years.

  • Social Programs: Social programs, including healthcare, education, and welfare, have been a focus of government spending. Priorities have included expenditures in early childhood education and the affordability of higher education, as well as the growth and enhancement of healthcare access and affordability. Concerns about financing and coverage expansions are expanding for agendas like Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

  • Defense and National Security: Defense and national security have traditionally been significant areas of government spending. The United States has maintained a sizable defense budget to support military readiness, operations, and technological advancements. Funding for defense like personnel, equipment, research and development, and infrastructure improvements. National security concerns, including counterterrorism efforts, cybersecurity, and addressing emerging threats, continue to shape spending priorities.

  • Infrastructure and Transportation: Infrastructure has been an area of focus in recent budget discussions. The requirement to upgrade and invest in the country's infrastructure has come to light due to the failing situation of several highways, bridges, airports, and other critical infrastructure systems. The funding of transportation initiatives, including roads, trains, and mass transit, has been a top focus. Investments in renewable energy infrastructure and broadband expansion have also been part of recent discussions.

  • Research and Development: Promoting innovation and scientific advancement has been an ongoing priority. The government assigns funds for research and development across different sectors, including healthcare, technology, energy, and defense. These investments support scientific research, technological advancements, and the pursuit of breakthrough discoveries.

  • Other Notable Spending Categories: Other areas that may receive notable funding include environmental protection, veterans' benefits and services, international aid and diplomacy, law enforcement, agriculture, and space exploration.


Analysis of Challenges and Implications


  • Impact of Rising National Debt

The impact of a rising national debt can pose several challenges. It may lead to increased interest payments, diverting resources from other important areas. Higher debt levels can also crowd out private investment, potentially slowing economic growth. It poses a burden on future generations who may be left to bear the costs. An unsustainable debt trajectory can also undermine investor confidence in the economy, raising borrowing prices and perhaps depreciating the value of the currency.


  • Potential Consequences of Budget Deficits

Persistent budget deficits can strain the economy. They may result in expanded interest rates, which would make borrowing more expensive for both the government and private citizens. Inflationary pressures brought on by deficits might lower consumers' buying power. Continuous deficits can also hinder the government's ability to act rapidly in times of crisis or economic depression, which worsens the issue of the national debt.


  • Consideration of Long-Term Sustainability

Long-term sustainability must be guaranteed. Severe repercussions may result from failing to address the problems brought on by increasing debt and budget deficits. It calls for a variety of actions, including reining down expenditure, raising income, and fostering economic expansion. It is necessary to set a balance between primary needs and long-term viability to control the expansion of an uncontrollable debt load and to preserve fiscal stability, which supports overall economic growth and the prosperity of future generations.



  • Forecasting Spending Patterns Based On Current Policies and Trends

Forecasting future spending patterns involves analyzing current policies, economic conditions, and demographic factors to estimate future government expenditures. This includes projecting the growth of mandatory spending programs like healthcare and social security, as well as discretionary spending categories. It helps identify potential areas of increased or decreased spending and provides insight into the overall trajectory of government expenditures.


  • Anticipated Changes in Spending Priorities

Future changes in spending priorities are influenced by evolving societal needs, political dynamics, and policy shifts. Anticipated changes may reflect emerging priorities such as investments in renewable energy, healthcare reforms, or shifts in defense strategies. Factors like demographic changes, social trends, and public opinion also play a role in reshaping spending preferences over time.


  • Potential Impacts of External Factors

External factors like technological advancements and global events can significantly impact government spending. Technological advancements may lead to shifts in spending toward research and development, infrastructure, or defense. Global events such as economic recessions, pandemics, or geopolitical developments can influence spending priorities through emergency relief measures, changes in defense strategies, or adjustments in international aid. The ability to adapt to and address these external factors is crucial for ensuring effective resource allocation and addressing emerging challenges in the future.



Understanding US government spending involves analyzing mandatory and discretionary expenditures, the impact of the national debt, and the influence of economic conditions, policies, and demographics. Recent references include social programs, defense, infrastructure, and research and development. Monitoring government spending trends is crucial for informed policy decisions, fiscal responsibility, and ensuring long-term sustainability. It helps allocate resources efficiently, address societal needs, and maintain economic stability. Further research could explore the effectiveness of government spending in achieving desired outcomes, evaluate the consequence of specific policies on spending patterns, and assess the long-term sustainability of social programs. Additionally, analyzing the implications of emerging technologies and global events on government spending would be valuable.